The best business keynote speakers in the world have 5 important qualities in common. It is these qualities that make them the most sought-after speakers by event planners and top corporations alike.
These 5 ingredients are what keep audiences inspired, salespeople at the top of their game, and top business leaders finding new, innovative ways to dominate their respective industries.
5. Extensive Business Experience
The world’s top business keynote speakers are much more than just compelling orators. They have a proven track record in the business world, and have worked with many of the top companies in their chosen field.
4. A Personality
We’ve all seen speakers drone on and on in a boring monotone until half the crowd is asleep. Top business keynote speakers are able to deliver their message in a clear, compelling way that gets the crowd excited and keeps them engaged.
3. A Sense of Humor
Laughter goes a long way during a keynote speech, especially when the speaker is focusing on challenging business problems or helping a company work through difficult communication issues.
2. Masters of Improvisation
While not all the top business keynote speakers could hold their own on a show like Whose Line Is It Anyway, most are adept at improvisation. This means they can tailor their speech to match the energy of the crowd, field questions as they arise, and sense when it’s time to move on to the next topic.
1. Specificity
The world’s top speakers aren’t delivering the same tired speech over and over again. Their keynote speeches are tailored to meet the every-changing needs of your company’s culture. They are constantly working to find relevant new ways to connect with the crowd.
Mike Hourigan is a Business Keynote Speaker, Author and Consultant, who specializes in negotiation skills programs, communications skills training and customized sales programs. Contact Mike at 704-875-3030, 888-PRO-KEYNOTE or fill out the form below: