Why Hire a Human Resources Keynote Speaker?

Human Resources Keynote Speaker
Human Resources Keynote Speaker Human resources Keynote Speakers are expected to be experts on just about everything that keeps an organization's heartbeat in check. Finding the right people for the organization and making sure that quality talent and recruiters are on the same page on an ongoing basis is just the first part. Human Resources (HR) professionals are also tasked with resolving disputes, arranging training, the bureaucratic aspects of managing...

What Should You Cover in a Keynote Speaker Invitation Email?

  You're planning an event or meeting and need to hire a keynote speaker. You could potentially arrange that with just a few clicks but if you haven't worked with a professional keynote speaker before, communication skills training is key if you're going to email them. Here's what you need to include in your keynote speaker invitation email. The most important information you need to mention upfront is what type...

Keynote Speaker Nashville

Nashville Keynote Speaker
With a rich history that has attracted music lovers for decades, Nashville, TN has become an up and coming city for travel & tourism programs, events and of course you Nashville Keynote Speaker. As Tennessee's largest city and main metropolitan area, Nashville is a hospitable small city that has seen rapid growth since bouncing back from the 2008 recession. Being conveniently located between the Deep South and Midwest, Nashville...

Why a Keynote Speaker For Your Next Company Event?

Change Management
Why hire a keynote speaker? Just ask your event planner: putting together that sales management training program, company-wide meeting, or conference is an exciting but also stressful endeavor. You may want your employees or leaders to show their accomplishments or give a speech, but a professional keynote speaker puts their unique fingerprint on your event while delivering the message you want to communicate. The term "keynote speaker" actually comes music. It's...

Negotiation Skills Speaker for the Travel and Tourism Industry

Travel Tourism Speaker Mike Hourigan
Today's traveler and tourists drives a hard bargain. Cheap fares and a plethora of information are widely available in just a few clicks or swipes, why would they select your brand over another? Are convenience and location alone the other only factors driving those decisions or are your communicating skills lacking the kind of value you can deliver so you both get what you want? The travel and tourism industry...

Safety Speaker – Why hire a Safety Speaker?

Why hire Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan? As a Safety Speaker, Workplace Safety is a concern whether employees require tactical gear or a desk and computer. And ensuring that workplaces are kept safe isn’t limited solely to regulations for uniforms and equipment in more physical jobs. Safety Speaker Mike says that there are so many other aspects of workplace safety such as A Safety Speaker can improve employee communications and encouraging...

Safety: It’s Not About the Chances You Take, But the Decisions You Make. Part 3

Safety Training Speaker Mike Hourigan
In this three-part series, Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan will be examining everyday decisions that affect workplace safety. Part 3: Last time, we got into workplace safety and why fostering an organizational culture that prioritizes employee safety and inclusion is one of the best decisions that managers can make. There's many different facets of safe workplaces like encouraging open communication, following physical safety compliance procedures, and ensuring that employees don't feel...

Safety: It’s Not About the Chances You Take, But the Decisions You Make, Part 2

Workplace Safety Training Speaker Mike Hourigan
In this three-part series, Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan will be examining everyday decisions that affect workplace safety. Part 2: Last time, we got into how managers often face risky decisions when it comes to workplace safety. There's concerns not just for very physical jobs and complying with laws as well as procedures, but also in creating and fostering a culture that values employee safety. Are your decisions creating a...

Safety: It’s Not About the Chances You Take, But the Decisions You Make. Part 1

Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan
In this three-part series, Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan will be examining everyday decisions that affect workplace safety. Part 1: Workplace safety isn't solely about making sure the right tools and protective gear are on hand and staying compliant with all regulatory and organization-wide compliance procedures. Making sure that people are safe at work also isn't limited to workplaces with highly physical aspects and their subsequent regulations like construction sites and restaurants. Managers...

Negotiation Doesn’t Come Naturally…

Negotiation Skills Speaker Mike Hourigan
...to a lot of people, that is. Having difficulty with negotiations certainly doesn't mean that you or your employees aren't intelligent, capable, or good people. Many people who face challenges when it comes to negotiation often place the blame on shyness and being introverted, or simply disliking confrontation and preferring an easy and agreeable way out of a sticky situation. Which are definitely good reasons one may find themselves being...

Are Team-Building Efforts Overrated Attempts at Getting People to Do More?

Keynote and Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan
Teams are the heartbeat of an organization. Team Building Managers are always looking for ways to get teams to work more harmoniously together and improve the quality of the teamwork at play so that the organization can become more effective. So, it's common for them to invest in team-building activities and retreats so that employees can learn how to work better together. But let's face it: "teamwork" and "team-building"...

Do You Need a Millennial Speaker or a Communication Skills Speaker?

Millennial Speaker Mike Hourigan
When looking for a Millennial Keynote speaker, especially if you have a Millennial audience in mind, you need to ask yourself what you're really looking to get out of hiring a speaker. Is the problem you're currently facing with your employees about a lack of willingness to understand each other's generation, or is the problem about being unable to effectively communicate? Many experts agree that Millennials are genuinely lacking in...

Safety Speaker Talks About Communication Skills

Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan
Workplace safety is of utmost importance when you're dealing with dangerous chemicals in labs or raw materials likely to hurt people on construction sites. There's federal and state regulations to comply with along with additional safety protocols set by management. But safety isn't just about adhering to laws and making sure that your employees are paying attention when operating heavy machinery. It's about creating a culture of workplace safety...

Safety Speaker on Listening Skills Training

Safety Training Speaker Mike Hourigan
Good communication may be paramount to understanding and absorbing the safety message. But what's also incredibly important for good communication skills is being a good listener. When it comes to workplace safety in particular, people may think about physical protections like PPE and hard hats. But while those things are designed to protect your body from the harm that equipment can inflict, they don't develop or protect one's ability...

Tourism Speaker on Negotiation Skills

Travel Tourism Speaker Mike Hourigan
The two fields don't quite sound related: tourism and learning how to become a better negotiator. But actually, they have more intersection than you'd think! First off, travel sites are coming up like weeds nowadays. There's stalwarts in the industry but now you also got all these smaller nicheourism companies out there. How are you going to negotiate competitive deals and loyalty when most travelers can look up the...

Negotiation Skills Training for Sales People

Negotiation Skills Training Speaker Mike Hourigan
A lot of things may have changed about sales and managing a sales team in the 21st century. But there's one thing that definitely hasn't changed: negotiation skills are so crucial for your sales people because 70% of purchase decisions are now made well before any contact with a salesperson is made. People are doing their research online, asking friends and family on social media about your products and...

What Millennials Would Like a Millennial Speaker to Tell the Audience

How a Millennial Speaker can help with your Multi Generational Workforce Millennials are often scapegoated for a lot of society's problems. While this generation genuinely faces major shortcomings in soft skills thanks to the over-emphasis on technical proficiency in their education, their hard work and new perspectives often go unnoticed. Intergenerational communication breakdowns between Boomers and Millennials are a daily problem for most people and the workplace is certainly...

Safety Speaker Mike Hourigan

Virtual Keynote Speaker Mike Hourigan
What a Safety Speaker Wants You to Know: It's About the Names, Not the Numbers Let's be honest: safety regulations aren't exactly the most exciting topic. Whether your audience wears hard hats or only marginally comes into contact with dangerous substances working in an office, they don't want to have their work interrupted just to sit through a long presentation on statutes that got updated. A workplace safety speaker...

Tourism Speaker on Change

Tourism Speaker Mike Hourigan
What a Tourism Speaker Can Tell You About Change It's just a fact of life that everything changes. Some of this change can be slow and happen over time to the point that you barely notice it, and other times it's sudden and right in your face. And no one knows change better than the tourism industry. Sure, you still see ads for the same types of cruises, resort...

Soft Skills Training for Millennials

Soft Skills Training for Millennials
Do Millennials really need soft skills training? It's been said countless times over: Millennials are sorely lacking in soft skills. Millennials primary and postsecondary education has been drastically different in many ways from that of previous generations. More emphasis is placed on how Millennials develop hard skills that can be easily measured. It might be with a certificate, degree, or perhaps their own project such as a blog or...