Mike Hourigan best Change Management Speaker in Charlotte NC
The most important thing to remember about change in 2023
As a Charlotte-based change management keynote speaker, I understand that 2023 could present itself as the most challenging period of change in the last several decades. Whenever I speak on change management to my Charlotte, North Carolina audiences, I stress the power of connections and work friendships.
What does happiness have to with change?
As I was recently delivering a keynote speech on change management to a Charlotte, NC audience, I talked about the power of work friendships and connections as solutions to getting organizations through change. The point I made was that no matter the changes organizations face, the more workers can lean on each other, the easier will be the road ahead of them.
To underscore my comments about change management, on January 1, 2023, the New York Times updated the results of the famous Harvard Study of Adult Development. The study has become famous among the psychological community as it has been in place since 1938. The research tracks families (obviously over multiple generations).
What they found is life changing, and life affirming. The key to happiness is neither great reserves of cash nor luxury items such as antiques, cars and boats.
The key to happiness is friendship; having friends who care.
In my Charlotte, NC motivational keynote speaker talks on change management, I am amazed at the number of attendees who seem to be “shocked” that the act of connection is the way to live a more fulfilled life, and indeed, a happier life. It is a simple enough concept, and perhaps that is why it is so overlooked.
At The workplace
Not surprising, the same dynamic extends to the workplace, especially the workplace that is undergoing change. Change management can be made a more pleasant experience overall, the more connected everyone in the organization become.
Whether an employee is the CEO or the newly hired intern, the more positive and “healthy” connections an employee has, the more they can enjoy a lessening of stress, have greater communication and impact. Connection leads to happiness and happiness gives everyone the ability to reach out in a positive manner and manage the journey that is in front of them.
However, I need to add that as a Charlotte-based change management speaker, that connection must be authentic and communication is honest and sincere. This year will mark continued recovery from pandemic, many changes in organizational structures and even physical changes to the office itself. Change management requires work, I will not minimize that point, however, the biggest changes must be in us.
In order to be happier in the organization, it is essential that people become happier within themselves. The most important thing to remember is to value connection and to build on those connections across departments, teams and divisions.
Change management means managing how connections are made whether in Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte or Greensboro or any other city, how the connections are nurtured, and most important, how they are maintained. To be an agent of change, means to be an agent of effective connection.
To contact Mike Hourigan, Charlotte Change Management Keynote Speaker please call Mike today at (704) 875-3030 or fill out the form on this page.

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