What Is A Safety Speaker?
Safety Speaker
If you ever had a part-time job in high school or have worked in a corporate environment, chances are you’ve had to sit through one of those boring company safety videos.
You know the ones I mean – terrible actors droning on and on about the importance of safety in the workplace, or worse, terrible actors pretending to slip and fall on a mysteriously wet floor. Luckily, there is a better way to educate your audience about the importance of safety in the workplace.
You may be wondering:
“What is a safety speaker, anyway, and how can they make our company safer?”
A safety speaker is an expert on safe workplace practices who’s also an experienced, inspiring, entertaining public speaker. Safety speakers merge entertaining anecdotes with inspiring stories, practical advice, and real-world safety techniques to protect your employees and your company from injuries and lawsuits.
Look for a safety speaker who focuses on behavior-based safety measures, as opposed to just technical modifications around the workplace. When your audience understands how their behavior impacts their safety and the safety of others, they are far more likely to take a proactive approach to workplace safety.
When you combine safety expertise with speaking expertise, your audience is able to hear and remember important safety messages – without the cringe-worthy videos.
What is a safety speaker? Mike Hourigan has the answer for you.
Mike is a safety speaker and keynote speaker for established companies, organizations and events throughout the United States and Europe.
To find out how Mike can help your company reach its safety goals, call 704-907-5349, 888-PRO-KEYNOTE or send Mike an email.