As a Change Management Speaker, I know that change management is an essential skill in today's dynamic workplace, but managing change effectively requires understanding the unique needs and perspectives of different generations. Change Management Speaker Mike Hourigan is an expert in guiding companies through these challenges, offering insights that help businesses successfully navigate organizational changes across multiple generations. From Baby Boomers to Gen Z, each generation responds to change...
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the ability to effectively navigate change has become a critical skill for organizations looking to stay competitive and thrive in the face of uncertainty. Change management, the structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state, is a key ingredient in successfully managing change. One individual who has made a significant impact in the...
The most important thing to remember about change in 2023 As a Charlotte-based change management keynote speaker, I understand that 2023 could present itself as the most challenging period of change in the last several decades. Whenever I speak on change management to my Charlotte, North Carolina audiences, I stress the power of connections and work friendships. What does happiness have to with change? As I was recently delivering...
What do employees fear the most in this new “hybrid world?” As a change management speaker and change management consultant, I am witness to the deepest fears of those in my audiences. It’s not what you may think. In my role as a change management keynote speaker, I would caution organizations who believe the biggest fear is based on “catching Covid” or having to commute to the office twice...
We all know that learning is cyclable. As a change management speaker, I have observed that most people understand that the best way to teach people is to be willing to learn, however, a lot of people have difficulty putting that into practice. As a result, the cycle of learning is often broken. When an organization is going through a change, it is as important to share perspectives as...
Anger to Change is not a Good Look As a change management speaker and change management consultant, I realize there are no end to theories about how individuals in a company react to change. Jennifer Herrity writing for (September 15, 2021) listed many of these models, all championed by psychologists, management consultants, business schools and the like. However, in speaking to groups on change management, in real time...
Your Change Management Motivational Speaker Mike Hourigan says the following. “The McKinsey consulting group reports data that 70% of all change management efforts fail. A 30% success rate is troubling, particularly when considering the associated costs in the form of loss of competitive position, confidence of the workforce in leadership, and quality improvements and anticipated costs reductions.” It is called change fatigue, it’s a real thing, and no one...
Change Management Meets the Hybrid Workplace As a motivational speaker on change management and the hybrid workplace, I hate to say, “I-told-you-so,” but I predicted the hybrid workplace well before anyone had heard of COVID-19. In fact, as a hybrid workplace, change management speaker, I remember an HR director at least two years before the lockdown introducing me as America’s Hybrid Workplace Motivational Speaker. There was a lot of...
Change for the Sake of Change is a Bad Look As a change management speaker who speaks to groups across America about negotiating and responding to workplace transformation, I am well-aware of the tumultuous times owing to inflation, mergers, acquisitions and business failures. Change in the Workplace is everywhere, but is it always a good thing? The Boomerang In my last post, I talked about the so-called “Great Walkout”...
The Workplace Balance Has Changed, Is Your Organization Prepared? It has argued that COVID-19 “changed everything.” As a national change management speaker, my counter argument is that COVID changed nothing but accelerated everything. In my keynote talks on change management, I point out that as the Omicron variant began to subside, the workplace would be re-balanced and employees would become not more powerful, but more heard and prone to...
My twenty-year mission as a change management speaker has led me to the conclusion that most people don’t want to embrace change management, they want to erase it. In my in-person and virtual training sessions, I note that managing change is never easy. However, organizational change is made more difficult when employees intuitively know they must accept the changes in their organization, and then refuse to expose themselves to...
As an online negotiation skills speaker and in-person change management speaker, I am interested in the popular phrase the “new normal”, or sometimes “the new now.” The problem is that “the new now” is a moving target and as a change management speaker, I know all too well that executives often have trouble keeping up with the change. A Millennial in Trouble Recently, I was made aware of a...
In my work as a change management speaker for industry meetings, I as a change management speaker generally find that change management processes take one direction. The usual change management direction is that management advises, even dictates change, and all of the good soldiers are expected to quickly conform and cope. Easier Said than Done Though the article is dated, the prestigious Harvard Business Review talked of The Hard...
Found: The Darkest Bulb in the Chandelier! As a keynote speaker, I am honored speak to professional associations nationwide on the many challenges of managing change. One important aspect I talk about in regard to change is that the organizations that are most successful in navigating around challenges are those that give their people the permission to think. Giving employees the go-ahead to think about how to work out...
Where’s My Assigned Parking Space? There’s a supposedly true story about the corporate officer who called all of her organization’s department heads together for a serious meeting. Pounding the table to emphasize key points, she said “We must immediately make sweeping changes to our culture. Everyone must be valued. No one, and I mean no one, is better than anyone else!” The next day, she just about lost it...